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How To Properly Handle An Arrest In Greeley, CO

Criminal Defense lawyerBeing placed under arrest can be an overwhelming and highly stressful circumstance, and it can be easy to make the wrong choices under pressure. While there are certain decisions that could greatly elevate the severity of your arrest, you can also take action to ensure that the situation moves as smoothly as possible – all it takes is a basic understanding of your rights.

First of all, it is crucial to remain calm in order to avoid any potential escalations. Miranda Rights can be invoked as soon as you are arrested, stipulating that you have both the right to remain silent and the right to receive legal representation from an attorney. Enlisting the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney can play a paramount role in determining the outcome of your arrest.

How Can Attorney Donald Janklow Help Me After I’ve Been Arrested?

When you have been arrested, it is critical that you reach out to a qualified criminal attorney immediately. As you move forward into the bail process and begin to prepare for your hearings, an attorney will be able to help you protect your rights and move through the process with minimal complications.

Attorney Donald Janklow has been serving citizens of Greeley, CO for close to 50 years, helping clients just like you to navigate the complex aftermath of a criminal arrest. It is important to work with an attorney who has the experience and connections necessary to advocate on behalf of your rights. Attorney Janklow carries a tenured history of experience under his belt, making him uniquely qualified to represent you and your interests.

What Should I Know About The Bail Process?

The bail process in Greeley, CO allows for individuals who have been arrested and booked in Weld County Jail to be released prior to their trial. Typically, a bail hearing will be scheduled for the following day to assess a bail amount appropriately. Factors such as the severity of your alleged crime and your criminal history will be factored into decisions –  as well as your risk of flight.

Bail is generally set in one of several forms, including cash bail, personal recognizance bonds, and surety bonds. Cash bail typically involves paying the full bail amount, with any payments being refunded at the conclusion of the case if all hearings are attended.

Personal recognizance bonds, on the other hand, allow a release without paying bail, but all hearings must be attended, or else full payment will be required.

Surety bonds involve working with bail bondsmen, who will typically require a 10-15% non-refundable fee. If you fail to appear in court, the bondsman will be responsible for paying your full bail amount.

Do I Need To Work With An Attorney?

When you have been arrested, it is essential to work closely with an experienced criminal lawyer who will advocate for you and fight to minimize your charges. Your attorney will also be able to assist you with the bail process, arguing for lower bail amounts and negotiating personal recognizance bonds on your behalf if applicable.

Handling the aftermath of an arrest can be a daunting task, but working with a legal representative who understands the inner workings of Colorado law can dramatically change the outcome of your case. By teaming up with Attorney Donald Janklow, you are placing your case in the capable hands of an experienced legal professional who will work incessantly to get you the results that you deserve.

Contact Us To Get Started Today

Do you need a reliable criminal defense attorney in Greeley, CO who can help you navigate the legal process and come out on the other side with your rights intact? Attorney Donald Janklow and his team are fully prepared to manage your case and guide you toward peace of mind. Contact us for a free consultation by calling (970) 353-4000 today.

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